
Before signing up, please ensure you read our full terms and conditions, noting that you are responsible for using items safely with appropriate PPE.  By registering to borrow, you are confirming that you have read and agree to these terms.

Please note the form does not auto-complete your address information. Please ensure you include all parts of your address in the correct fields

- House  / Street = (as applicable) Flat No, House Name, House No. & Street.

- City - Area of Town/City + Town/ City (e.g. Cogan, Penarth)

- County - e.g. Vale of Glamorgan, Cardiff.

- Postcode - Please use CF00 0XX format.

- Telephone No - Please use 0 as first digit, not +44

- Email Address - Please double-check this is correct before submitting.

- Courier Instructions - If you intend to use our free courier service for delivery &/ collection of your loans and have any special instructions for accessing your address that our couriers should be aware of, please add here. Additional instructions added at onto a reservation via the NOTES option.
