Welcome to Benthyg Penarth - Your Local Library of Things

<--- Check out our catalogue & Instructions on how to join & borrow:

Please ensure you read all T&Cs and instructions

 If we don't have it, why not try other Benthygs around Wales, including Barry, and Cardiff (Splott & Ely)
(Separate Registrations with their sites required. T&Cs may also differ.)
Our Location at The Garage @ The Kymin,
Beach Rd, Penarth CF64 1JX

- Kymin Self-Pickups & Returns:
Wed, Thu, Sat 1230-1430
CLOSED: Sat 13th July (Downhill Derby), Open 1030-1130 only Sat 10th August (Illyria Theatre Matinee)
- E-Bike Courier Service (CF64 Only):
Wed & Sat ~1300~1500 (Times approximate and weather dependent)
NO E-BIKE COURIER SERVICE: Sat 13th July, Sat 10th August
- E-Van Courier Service:
Temporarily Unavailable for scheduled times - please email to discuss possible arrangements (Times approximate)

07778 736465

(call during opening hours. Please email / Facebook Messenger / Whatsapp / text at other times and we will reply as soon as possible.)

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