Donating Items to Us

Most of the items we have in our catalogue are second-hand donations to us. We are always looking to expand our catalogue

(and those of our other locations - see

You do not have to be registered with us in order to donate. All donations will require you to complete a Donation Agreement stating you are freely relinquishing the item to us.

We may also ask if you are happy for your donation to be passed on to one of our other locations or a 3rd Party scheme we collaborate with.

Account holders also have the option of having the item tagged to your account (if added to our catalogue) so that any time it is borrowed, you receive an email notification alerting you to this.

Donation Offer & Agreement Form 

Please read through the below and then if your item is something we might accept, click the above link and complete the form.  This form indicates to us you wish to donate items and that you agree you  are transferring ownership over to us.

Please wait for us to confirm any acceptance before bringing it to us. The form has fields to describe the item(s) and also request collection from us using our courier service.

Before Donating to US.

    Check the lists below to see what we could take, and what we cannot take.

    The types of items we take must have a practical reuse value, i.e. something people would find useful to borrow.

    • Items MUST be in a working and usable condition with no known faults.
    • All items should be complete, or at least with easily replaceable parts. Please look to include manuals for items that use them.
    • Items that require consumables/add-on accessories (e.g. cleaning fluid, batteries replacement sanding sheets) can be accepted without these.
    • Where possible please include a manual / instructions.
    • All electrical items will be PAT tested.
    • COSTUMES MUST HAVE THE CE & FIRE LABELS PRESENT. We will be unable to accept costumes that have had these tags removed.


      We will need to know the following details about the item.

      • Name/Type of item
      • Brief description (e.g. is is electrical, battery powered, what it is used for (if unclear).
      • Approximate dimensions of the item
      • Whether this item would require a vehicle to move, two person lift or any other safety issues it may have.
      • If you would like us to pick it up or are happy to drop it to our location.

      Handing over your Item(s) to us

      Once we have agreed to take it we offer several options:

      • You bring the item(s) to our location at The Kymin during opening hours (parking available).
      • We pick up the item using our courier service (out-of-hours collection may be possible by arrangement - please use the form to indicate available collection times.
      • Pick-ups can be done within Vale of Glamorgan & Cardiff.
      • Please Note - Cardiff Benthyg's (ACE & SPLOTT) have their own locations & courier service. You may wish to contact them instead).
      • Barry Benthyg does not have a courier service. Please contact them to enquire about their donation process if you wish to donate to their store &/ ETO Pre-Loved Store.
      • All other locations please contact your nearest Benthyg (see link at top of page)

      The types of items we CANNOT take include:

      • AS OF FEBRUARY 2024 We are currently not taking any kitchenware items associated with food prep (e.g. blenders, bread makers, dehydrators, juicers ice-makers etc.) Electrical or manual. Note other Libraries of things in the network may take them. Please contact them direct to enquire.
      • Baby equipment with potential safety conditions such as travel cots, sleep aids, bouncy chairs and door bouncers. (We may be able to accept robust plastic toys if they are in good condition).
      • Hazardous equipment such as chain saws and anything that needs a licence to operate.
      • Diesel or petrol-powered items that are likely to be stored with fuel in them.
      • Bench mounted / fixed position-in-use (non-portable) DIY electrical tools (e.g. lathes, pillar drills, chop-saws...).
      • Flammable items & chemicals e.g. gas canisters, meths burners etc.
      • Camping stoves etc. that require the above.
      • Medical, surgical, dental, pharmaceutical or therapeutic products designed or prescribed by a medical professional (generic products such as crutches are likely to be acceptable).
      • Safety critical equipment (such as cycle helmets, climbing harnesses, car child seats...)
      • Items for where there may be hygiene issues (e.g. hair-care equipment, dental equipment etc).
      • Books, DVDs or other similar media.
      • Large Domestic Appliances (White Goods) that are not considered portable.
      • Bric-a-brac and non-functional items.
      • General Furniture (portable 'camping style' may be accepted).
      • Food & Drink
      • Other items not listed here will be assessed on an individual basis.

      Things we could take:

      • See our catalogue for the types of items we already have to give you a guide as to what we may also take.
      • We may also accept items that could be used for by us for admin / event displays, such as pop-up stands, office supplies and other helpful things.
      • If in doubt, simply Contact Us to discuss your donation, OR pop over to The Kymin when we are open.

      Thank you for considering us. We at Benthyg are part of the local, national & global drive to reduce waste by reusing items. By donating to us you will be a part of this too.
